The resources I create are mainly for early years and early KS1.
I enjoy making worksheets, flashcards and games that will compliment children's books and children's interests.
The resources I create are mainly for early years and early KS1.
I enjoy making worksheets, flashcards and games that will compliment children's books and children's interests.
Egg Shape Sorting Activity: A Dynamic and Engaging Experience for Young Learners
This captivating egg-shaped sorting activity is designed for versatile use on a Tuff tray, floor, or table, offering a delightful way to engage children in both placing and arranging activities and shape sorting challenges.
**Key Features:
Colorful Variety:
The set comprises four eggs, each uniquely coloured and featuring white shape outlines. This vibrant visual aspect adds an extra layer of excitement to the sorting experience.
Sorting Challenge:
Children are presented with the enjoyable task of matching the correct colored shape to each respective egg. This enhances shape sorting skills.
Flexible Implementation:
The activity allows for adaptable implementation based on the learning environment. The eggs can either be distributed individually to each child, accompanied by the corresponding shapes for one-on-one matching, or all four eggs can be arranged on the table. In the latter scenario, a central pile of shapes awaits the children to collaboratively sort them into the correct eggs.
Interactive Engagement:
By encouraging children to actively participate in placing and arranging the shapes, the activity promotes hands-on learning and fosters spatial awareness as they determine the correct fit for each shape.
Whether used in a Tuff tray, on the floor, or on a table, this egg-shaped sorting activity promises an enjoyable and educational adventure for young learners. The combination of vibrant colors, diverse shapes, and the interactive nature of the task makes it an ideal resource for fostering essential cognitive and motor skills in an engaging and dynamic manner.
5 Tuff Tray activities with a christmas tree theme.
This pack includes-
Trees 1-10
5 Trees to use for colour matching
5 Activity description cards
Baubles numbered 1-10
Baubles to match the written word to the number
20 Baubles with sums for matching
30 Baubles for adding the correct amount
10 Baubles for matching by colour
4 Maths activites with a gonk and snowball theme.
Also 10 frame and snowball counters included.
The maths activities included are-
Number matching
Counting from a larger group
Different gonks numbered from 1-10
20 pages of resources inspired by the book, Button Box. The story of a child who like to play and sort buttons in his grandma’s box.
Resources are early years based and include, maths, literacy, cutting and sticking as well as 8 flash cards.
Colouring a rainbow, button pattern
Indentifying numbers
Repeating patterns
Order by size
10 frame and buttons
Flash cards
A selection of resources inspired by the book, The Troll, by Julia Donaldson.
There are maths and literacy resources included as well as resources that can be laminated and turned into a game .
**In this pack is-
Positional language
10 large numbered pans and 12 fish
Speech bubbles
Lined speech bubbles
3 maps
Capacity x2
11 simple, A4, black and white maths mats.
These mats are ideal for children to create or write not only the written number but also the number itself.
There’s also a 10 frame on the mat so children can identify the number and put the correct amount onto the frame.
Can be used in the playdough area, fine motor skills area, or the maths area.
Can be printed onto card/paper and then laminated for longevity.
Subitising from 0-10, resources, with a dog theme.
Children identify the spots on the dog and put them in the correct kennel.
Resources can be laminated and used in a Tuff Tray, table or on the floor.
Pack contains, 11 dogs, 11 kennels, 10 frame, 20 black counters, number line to 20 and the instructions for in the centre.
12 large numbers and 2 hands, for children to create their own clock.
Once made, children can then select one of the 24 times and then recreate it on the large clock.
Included is 12 numbers, 2 hands, 12 o’clock times and 12 half past times, as well as the instructions.
Can be created in a Tuff Tray, table or on the floor.
Numbers and hands can be enlarged/reduced in size to suit, before laminating.
You could also use as a cutting and sticking activity
Who doesn’t love a game of bingo!
Here is a game for 4 players, based on the characters from the book, Dear zoo by Rod Campbell.
There are 4 boards with 6 pictures on each. There are also matching counters for each players boards and a set of 10 call cards.
Over 20 pages of worksheets and resources inspired by the book, One ted fell out of book.
This pack contains both, Literacy and Maths resources.
Included is-
Counting worksheet
Counting/ideal for laminating
Positional language
10 frame
5 frame
Counting/number recognition
Number line to 10
Number line to 5
Story recall/writing
Describe characters x4
Book review
List writing
A shape pack inspired by the book, Which one doesn’t belong?
6, black and white, Worksheets where children colour in the shape they think doesn’t belong and then discuss with an adult their reason. Also a cut and stick sorting activity.
As well as the worksheets there are a set of 9 colourful discussion cards where the children can say which shapes they think are the same and which ones are different. Of course there is no wrong answer!
15 pages of resources to help you celebrate Queen Elizabeth II, birthday.
A selection of numeracy, literacy and creative activities.
Birthday cards and inserts
Word search
if i was queen
design a crown
design a dress
positional language
ordering by size
birthday invite
20 Pages of resources to help support teaching on 23rd April.
Paper chains
word search
acrostic poem
wanted posters
writing frames
design a shield
maths sheets
symmetry drawing
Pack of 20 flashcards.
10 cards contain a picture of an animal from the book and the children need to match it up with the picture of the animal that is passing the window.
These cards can also be used as colour flashcards or number flash cards.
Activities that work alongside White Rose Maths in the early years.
I put together activities on matching.
The theme of the matching is socks.
There are 11 pairs of socks ready to print, enlarge and laminate to hang on a washing line or play pairs games with.
A snap game, that is ready to print and laminate.
A set of 6 cards, that contain odd socks. Ready for laminating and to use in discussion.
Finally 2 worksheets for children to spot the odd sock on the line.
20 pages.
20 flashcards with 2 pictures on each cards.
Cards created to encourage discussion in carpet time or child initiated.
Children to see if there are any similarities or point out any differences between the 2 pictures.
Following the theme of, Anno’s Counting book, I have created flashcards from 0-12.
With this theme and the whiterose maths, each flash card contains the counting element, the written number, the numeral and the counting blocks up the side. Each flashcards has a picture from each pages theme from the book.
There are 2 flashcards per page, so can be A5 or smaller.
Perfect for both school and home settings, this resource pack encompasses 13 pages to craft an enchanting Easter Egg Hunt experience.
Included are:
7 engaging games
12 Easter coupons
Easter Egg Hunt signs
Easter Egg Hunt certificate
12 challenge cards
Easter Egg Hunt checklist
2 sets of eggs for hiding and building words
Eggs for hiding with a board to place found eggs on.
Enjoy the activities, and please remember to share positive feedback!
10 pages of maths, with a Valentine’s theme, for early years.
Work included is-
Odd one out
Match numbers to amount
Number bonds
Repeating patterns
Which one next
Dice game
Counting groups
Activities inspired by the book, actual size by Steve Jenkins.
Maths resources for children around 4-6 years in age.
Included is cutting and sticking activities, exploring the classroom, home or outdoors as well as measuring with rulers, objects, string and cubes.
Worksheets are in CM and duplicated in Inches, to suit your methods of teaching.
Exploring with string
Drawing and labelling
Small, medium and larger ordering
Search and colour in the stick insects
Repeating patterns
Order by height
Number recognition
Measure length with string
Comparing length
Measure animals in the book
Comparing hands